Friday, October 29, 2010

Impulse products

Well this post is not about producing an innovation, but I am going to use a vocabulary that is included in the innovation chapter. According to Pearson's Marketing Principle, impulse product is a product people often buy on the spur of the moment. Most of these products are located on the checkout desk of markets. Some of the impulse products are magazines, gums, mints, chips, candies, lighters, gift cards, phone cards, soft drinks, energy drinks and even hand sanitizers. The common fact among these products are they are packed in small quantity, and they are usually cheap products less than $5 dollars. (except for gift cards) According to the book, Marketers have two challenges with impulse products. First, they have to create a product or package design that enticing that "reaches out and grabs the customer," Second, they have to make sure their product is highly visible which means they want the products to be located by securing prime end-aisle or checkout-lane space. I usually grab a pack of gums when I go to checkout lanes without planning to buy eat. I usually think "It's a bit more than a dollar. No big deal". Does everyone think like I do? then the strategy of these impulse product marketers is really working well.

Chap 7. Innovation

1 comment:

  1. Not for just impulses even for each and every product marketing has become an essential part. I would love to recommend you New York City PR by If you want to enhance your product's sell. .
